
    LeetCode-Container With Most Water

    If we combine the left search with the right search, we need to make the lines with shorter height move.

    LeetCode-ZigZag Conversion

    We can simulate the order of the place order. Store them in a matrix and then combine the answer string.

    LeetCode-Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

    Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.

    Whether key value in MAP exists

    Normally, if I want to find whether the key exists in map STL(C++), the first thing come up to my mind is if(map1[key1]). However, this is wrong, because if there is no key equals to key1, map1[key1] will return 0 and if there is a key1 but its value is 0, then it will also return 0; So this method is not feasible.


    How to encrypt your post

    Sometimes we want to write something that we don't want all the web users to read. And the way we add password at is no safe. So we can use hexo plugin hexo-blog-encrypt to set password for our post.

    How to add rating star to Blog

    Get a star function to your blog or webpage so that reader can give feedbacks to your article.

    Git Save Username and Keys

    Every time I use git to commit to my repository, I need to type my username and keys. So how can I get rid of it?

    Share Functin for Website

    I want to add a share function to my blog. So that readers can share my articles easily. I use a plugin Share.js. Even though this project has been not maintained for long, it’s still can be used.

    How to use hexo related popular posts plugin

    This article records my experience of using the hexo related popular posts plugin. And how to modify the plugin to make it suitable for my theme.

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