2020 September

    01 Package 背包 Dynamic Programming

    I've been studied 01 Package for so many times. But I keep forgetting it. It costs me so many energy every time I learn, especially for the optimization of space complexity. So I take notes this time.


    This is bit XOR Operation.

    LeetCode-Container With Most Water

    If we combine the left search with the right search, we need to make the lines with shorter height move.

    LeetCode-ZigZag Conversion

    We can simulate the order of the place order. Store them in a matrix and then combine the answer string.

    LeetCode-Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

    Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.

    Whether key value in MAP exists

    Normally, if I want to find whether the key exists in map STL(C++), the first thing come up to my mind is if(map1[key1]). However, this is wrong, because if there is no key equals to key1, map1[key1] will return 0 and if there is a key1 but its value is 0, then it will also return 0; So this method is not feasible.

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