HDU-1000 A+B Problem

    The easiest problem

    CodeForces-1169B Pairs

    First, you get the fist pair of numbers. And then find a pair of numbers that is totally different with the first pair.

    CodeForces-1180B Nick and Array

    To make the most product, you just need to change all numbers to negative first. And then find the smallest number and make it positive.

    CodeForces-1180A Alex and a Rhombus

    This problem has a regular formula. First you count the outermost layer has how many squares. Then the second outermost layer. Until the second smallest layer.

    CodeForces-580C Kefa and Park

    The algorithm of the problem is BFS or DFS. I use BFS. Traverse all the points by layer and count it's alongside cats.

    AtCoder-5165 Kleene Inversion

    The answer of the problem has a regular pattern. For example, there is a sequence A and for number An in A, the number that is bigger than An has two parts

    Random events and their probabilities

    This is an overview of the knowledges in chapter 1.

    AtCoder-5633 Counting of Trees

    At first I didn't understand the meaning of the problem. It means 1 is the root and the distance between the points on the first layer with the root is 1.

    AtCoder-5039 AB Substrings

    This is to find how many strings that starts with A and ends with B and the number of AB inside the string.

    AtCoder-4871 Lower

    The max number = max(max number, answer).

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