HDU-1280 Front m biggest Numbers

    First sort all the original numbers. And then, add the first m biggest numbers one by one, we get biggest sums of first m * m numbers.

    HDU-1222 Wolf and Rabbit

    This problem is to judge whether the two numbers are relatively prime.

    HDU-1157 Who's in the Middle

    Just sort all the numbers, since the input numbers are odds, so the middle number is n / 2 + 1

    HDU-1056 HangOver

    Since the data is every small, you just need to loop and calculate until you find a answer that is bigger than the given number.

    HDU-1048 The Hardest Problem Ever

    You can easily see that the law of ciphers is that each letter moves 21 bits backward. The 26 letters form a circle to support the law. However, in the ascii code, the letters are not a circle so you need to judge separately.

    HDU-1040 As Easy As A+B

    This is a sorting problem, you can either use quick sort or bubble sort or other sorts.

    HDU-1037 Keep on Truckin'

    Just estimate each number, if it is lower than 168, then this underpass is unable to be passed. If no number is less than 168 ,then there is no crash.

    HDU-1032 The 3n+1 problem

    Turn the pseudo code in to real code. And an important thing is that the value of i and j is not fixed that i < j. So we have to judge the value of i j.

    HDU-1012 u Calculate e

    The range of the number is very small, only 0 to 9, store all the factorial of n, and then calculate then one by one.

    HDU-1008 Elevator

    This is an easy problem and you just need to stimulate the hole process.

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