How to add rating star to Blog

    Get a star function to your blog or webpage so that reader can give feedbacks to your article.

    Git Save Username and Keys

    Every time I use git to commit to my repository, I need to type my username and keys. So how can I get rid of it?

    Share Functin for Website

    I want to add a share function to my blog. So that readers can share my articles easily. I use a plugin Share.js. Even though this project has been not maintained for long, it’s still can be used.

    How to use hexo related popular posts plugin

    This article records my experience of using the hexo related popular posts plugin. And how to modify the plugin to make it suitable for my theme.

    Hexo The "path" argument must be of type string

    While installing and using the Hexo Plugin [hexo-related-popular-posts], I ran Into a problem. I got an error after Hexo s. The followings are the details




    HDU-5182 PM2.5

    There are three rules to sort the structs.

    HDU-5702 Solving Order

    This just struct sort. The most easy one with no tricks.

    HDU-2031 进制转换

    Using the math way of transforming the decimal to any number.

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