
    AtCoder-5037 Consecutive Integers

    If you have three numbers 1, 2, 3 and want the length of the consecutive subsequence be two, the answer is 3-2+1, because you can choose 1, 2 or 1, 3.

    Calculator (double stack)

    The pre-knowledges you should know is priority of operator. Priority is the rule that determines when we meet two operators, which to calculate first. Like 3+2*5, we calculate 2 * 5 first.

    The priority of operators are:

    String HDU-6572

    Because of selecting the same character is allowed, so the probability of one character is

    Traffic HDU-6573

    There is a fuzzy point in the description. That is all the car has to wait the same amount of time. For example,

    Budget HDU-6575

    This is a rounding problem. Since it has only three number after the point, you just need to find the last number n and if it's more than four...

    Worker HDU-6576

    This problem is gcd or lcm problem.


    Binary Tree Traversal

    There are mainly three ways of binary tree traversal. In-order, Preorder and Post-order.

    For example we have a simple three-node tree like this.

    Haffman Coding

    Assume that we have a bunch of points, each point has a number means the occurrence times of the point.

    List Summary

    I’ve been studying Data Structure for a while and now I sum up some knowledges.

    Xiongnu's Land

    The core of the problem is Dichotomy which is Binary search the best range of the X.

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