Friends Season1: 03 Words&Expressions

expn 9 mins1.5k words


Uh, no. Loosely translated “We should do this again” means “You will never see me naked”.


  1. in a way that is not firmly or tightly fixed or held together.

    “her hair hung loosely over her shoulders”

  2. in a way that does not fit tightly or closely.

    “a loosely fitting white shirt”


I’m gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you.


  1. containing or relating to alcoholic liquor.

    “beer is their favorite alcoholic drink”

  2. affected with alcoholism.

    “his alcoholic daughter was the cause of his anxiety”


  1. a person affected with alcoholism.

cushions the blow

to make one’s disappointment less painful.

To ease the pain or stress of something unpleasant.

reduce the bad effects of something



  1. a pillow or pad stuffed with a mass of soft material, used as a comfortable support for sitting or leaning on.


  1. soften the effect of an impact on.

    “the bag cushions equipment from inevitable knocks”

take a puff


noun: puff; plural noun: puffs

  1. a short, explosive burst of breath or wind.

    “a puff of wind swung the weathervane around”

    • the sound of air or vapor escaping suddenly.

      “the whistle and puff of steam”

    • a small quantity of vapor or smoke, emitted in one blast.

      “the fire breathed out a puff of blue smoke”

    • an act of drawing quickly on a pipe, cigarette, or cigar.

      “he took a puff of his cigar”

  2. a light pastry case, typically one made of puff pastry, containing a sweet or savory filling.

    “a cream puff”


a review of a work of art, book, or theatrical production, especially an excessively complimentary one.

“the publishers sent him a copy of the book hoping for a puff”


an advertisement, especially one exaggerating the value of the goods advertised.

“the distinction between a trader’s puff and a statement having legal significance is a fine one”

  1. a gathered mass of material in a dress or other garment.

    • a rolled protuberant mass of hair.

      “her hair was drawn up into a series of padded puffs and curves”


      a soft quilt.

      “plump pillows and puffs”

  2. a powder puff.

    “she sent her a box of dusting powder with a swansdown puff”


verb: puff; 3rd person present: puffs; past tense: puffed; past participle: puffed; gerund or present participle: puffing

  1. breathe in repeated short gasps.

    “exercises that make you puff”

    • (of a person, engine, etc.) move with short, noisy breaths or bursts of air or steam.

      “the train came puffing in”

    • smoke a pipe, cigarette, or cigar.

      “he puffed on his pipe contentedly”

    • blow (dust, smoke, or a light object) in a specified direction with a quick breath or blast of air.

      “he lighted his pipe and puffed forth smoke”

    • move through the air in short bursts.

      “his breath puffed out like white smoke”

  2. cause to swell or become swollen.

    "he suddenly sucked his stomach in and puffed his chest out

    • be conceited.

      “he was never puffed up about his writing”

  3. advertise with exaggerated or false praise.

    “publishers have puffed the book on the grounds that it contains new discoveries”



  1. the short, thick first digit of the human hand, set lower and apart from the other four and opposable to them.


  1. press, move, or touch (something) with one’s thumb.

    “as soon as she thumbed the button, the door slid open”

index finger

The index finger (also referred to as forefinger, first finger, second finger, pointer finger, trigger finger, digitus secundus, digitus II, and many other terms) is the second digit of a human hand.

They say it’s the same as distance from the tip of a guy’s thumb to the tip of his index finger.



  1. a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.

Oh, Satan’s minions at work again.

We’re with you. We got it.

Karmic debt

The accumulation of negative energy resulting from misdeeds in one’s past.

It would be like this giant karmic debt.


Wolf – The coyote is a species of canine native to North America. It is smaller than its close relative, the wolf, and slightly smaller than the closely related eastern wolf and red wolf. It fills much of the same ecological niche as the golden jackal does in Eurasia.



  1. a large group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, that live, feed, or migrate together or are kept together as livestock.


  1. (with reference to a group of people or animals) move in a particular direction.
  2. keep or look after (livestock).

I mean, they’re like coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd.

look out after

To take care of someone or something



  1. (of a person or their build) gracefully thin; slenderly built (used approvingly).

    • (of a thing) small in width and typically long and narrow in shape.

    • (of a garment) cut on slender lines; designed to make the wearer appear slim.

    • (of a business or other organization) reduced to a smaller size in the hope that it will become more efficient.

  2. (of something abstract, especially a chance or margin) very small.

Well, you do realize that the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy.

call attention to

  1. cause people to notice.

    “he is seeking to call attention to himself by his crimes”



  1. strike hard and violently.


  1. a heavy blow.

    “a bash on the head”

  2. a party or social event.

    “a birthday bash”




  1. bent or twisted out of shape or out of place.

    “his teeth were yellow and crooked”


    dishonest; illegal.

    “a crooked business deal”

There was a crooked man, who had a crooked smile, Who live in a shoe, for a while



  1. a measuring rod a yard long, typically divided into inches.

    • a standard used for comparison.

      “the consumer price index, the government’s yardstick for the cost of living”

So I think Allen will become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured.

a thing or two


    used to refer to useful information that can be imparted or learned.

    “Teddy taught me a thing or two about wine”

Yep, we sure showed those Hasidic jewelers a thing or two about softball.



  1. inborn; natural.

    “her innate capacity for organization”


      originating in the mind.



  1. love and respect (someone) deeply.

    “he adored his mother”

  2. worship; venerate.

    “he adored the Sacred Host”

It’s his innate Alan-ness that we adore.


Image result for saltine

tin foil

Image result for foil



    flat and smooth.

    “prepare the site, then lay an even bed of mortar”

  1. equal in number, amount, or value.

    “an even gender balance among staff and students”


  1. make or become even.

    “she cut the hair again to even up the ends”


  1. used to emphasize something surprising or extreme.

    “they have never even heard of the US”

You buy me a soda, and then we are even.



hitchhike & hitchhiker


  1. travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles.

    “he dropped out in 1976 and hitchhiked west”


  1. a journey made by hitchhiking.



  1. an explosive sound made by the sudden forcing of breath through one’s nose, used to express indignation, derision, or incredulity.

    “he gave a snort of disgust”


  1. make a sudden sound through one’s nose, especially to express indignation or derision.

    “she snorted with laughter”



  1. inspiring love or affection.

    “an endearing little grin”


Emphysema is a lung condition that causes shortness of breath. In people with emphysema, the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) are damaged. Over time, the inner walls of the air sacs weaken and rupture — creating larger air spaces instead of many small ones.

have had it


  1. be in a very poor condition; be beyond repair or past its best.

    “the car had had it”

  2. be unable to tolerate someone or something any longer.

    I’ve had it with him—he’s humiliated me once too often!”

now and then

from time to time: occasionally

put it like that

= Said like this… Expressed like this…

When you phrase something in another way




  1. a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point.

    “the jacket was of well-worn tweed with leather patches on the elbows”

  2. a part of something marked out from the rest by a particular characteristic.

    “his hair was combed forward to hide a growing bald patch”


    mend or strengthen (fabric or an item of clothing) by putting a piece of material over a hole or weak point in it.

    “her jeans were neatly patched”


    treat someone’s injuries or repair the damage to something, especially hastily.

    “they did their best to patch up the gaping wounds”

let one’s guard down

: to relax and stop being careful and alert.

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